Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

I Dreamed a Dream

With this week's theme, at first I thought I would be taking a picture of one of the kids sound asleep.  Maybe with a dreamy expression on their face.  But every time I snuck into Danny's room (b/c he naps during the day when there is no need for a flash), he was wide awake laying in his bed.  And then I happened upon this moment.  The two kids snuggled up on the couch together.  Natalie was playing her DS and Danny was engrossed watching.  There was no fighting.  No whining.

It was a dream.

Next week's theme is self-portrait.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Made With Love

I made a New Year's Resolution to take my camera off of the "auto" setting and start learning the manual settings.  I love photography and when I grow up, I would love to pursue it further.  The first step, is to start taking great pictures on purpose (I stole that quote from a workshop I went to recently).  But it's true.  All of the pictures that I think are great, pretty much happened by accident.  So ... I took a class with a friend and we vowed to put ourselves to the test.  Now there are 3 of us that are going to do the challenge over the next 52 weeks.  We got themes from another blogger  and we'll use her themes for the week to see what we can each come up with.  I have many camera loving friends, and I would love if you all joined in the challenge.  Do all 52 or pick and choose ... it doesn't matter.  We can link to each other and see just how creative we all are.

Enough of the backstory... this week's theme is Made With Love.  This didn't turn out exactly how I'd hoped, but I'm already a day late.  And Karen tells me to just go with it; that it's too early to be too much of a perfectionist.  So, here goes.  Made with love.

Next week's theme is I Dreamed A Dream.  Week 1 was Resolution and I do plan to go back and catch up on that one.  Stay tuned.